Sunday, September 28, 2014

Budget Green Screen Studio

Looking to invest in a green screen kit to up the ante on the quality of your videos…?  A complete studio kit, which includes the screen (usually a green muslin), a stand to hold it up, 2 soft lights to light the screen, and a backlight, would probably cost you no less than $150.00.  And you would still need 2 more lights in front, lighting the talent if you want to get it right.  Here I can give you some cheaper options so you can build your own studio, based on how much you have to spend.   Here’s what you will need for the screen:

Simply, spray the primer on one side of the board.  This is to prevent the board from warping from the water in the paint.  Wait for it to dry.  Then paint your board until you have an even shade of green throughout the surface.  

Using a foam board as a green screen is great because they are light-weight, much easier to transport and set up then a muslin and accompanying support system.  You can tape it to a wall, or stand it up on a couple of chairs.

Now, to light the screen, and your talent, I put together a couple of cheap options.  The general rule on properly lighting a green screen setup, is to have to soft lights on both sides of the screen, a direct light pointed at one angle of your talent, and a softer fill light on the other angle.  And lastly, one light overhead that lights the back of your talent.  Start with this pack of 5500K daylight bulbs: $20 – 4/pk 5500k Bulb.

$11 – China Ball, Socket

These are super cheap, and can be hung from the roof by duct tape.  Just don’t leave them taped overnight, or they may come loose and fall, most likely killing your precious bulb.  You can use these for the 2 screen lights and the overhead light.

$7 – Clamp Light

Great cheap lights that can be clamped to anything.  Use as the directional light for your talent, or cover with wax paper to make this a soft fill light.

This is not a bad option.  These come with the stands, and the 2 5000k bulbs.  You can use these for your 2 screen lights.

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