Sunday, November 2, 2014

Bounce Lighting

It is commonly known that when you are lighting a scene, you will typically have a main, direct “hard” light shining on the action.  In most cases you will also want a softer “fill” light on the opposite side that softens any harsh shadows, and controls lighting contrast created by your main light.   
Soft Box

This is usually achieved by putting a light behind a soft box, or an umbrella.  Some times even wax paper is used to diffuse a light. 

A good way to save money and still accomplish your goal of deploying a fill light is to use bounce lighting.  This consists of using a flat object to reflect light, thus creating a soft light that helps fill the shadows.  Reflectors and foam boards are commonly used for bounce lighting.  But anything you can find that has a flat surface will do.  I’ve seen people use poster boards, printer paper, and even shower curtains.  Whatever works to get the job done, that’s what filmmaking is all about.

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